"Bargaining for the future" Trade Unionism & fighting for climate in the workplace

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

For the last three years we've been discussing how climate breakdown needs to be drawn into all areas of life, if we are to stand a chance of surviving it. This weeks guests have picked up the gauntlet and are intertwining there workplace fights and the climate.

We are delighted to be joined by two organisers from UCU, Marianne Quick Bargaining and Negotiations Official (Prisons and Sustainability) and Ben Crawford a Green rep at Liverpool University to discuss UCU's Green New Deal pay claim.

We discuss how UCU brought climate into their bargaining agenda, the green pay claim at Liverpool University, the tensions of traditional trade unionism and climate protection and how trade unions can keep institutions honest when it comes to their Net Zero commitments.


UCU- Green New Deal

The German Union Marianne mentions is DGB, here's a link to their just transition paper

Students organising for Sustainability

Shout Outs

Save Rimrose Valley  https://twitter.com/saverimrose

Students organsing for Sustainability

All UCU members at the ballot or the picket at the moment.